Therapy for Relationships

Are you ready to build better love with others? Are you looking to love yourself? Are you ready to learn more about yourself? Learn more about what your partner needs? Or do you have little confidence in yourself and your ability to be loved? Do you want to learn to love yourself? Do you find that relationships and conflict often impact your self esteem?

If we are talking about romantic, poly, queer, platonic, family, or your relationship with yourself we can have a lot of questions. If these questions stem from conflict, mistreatment, pain, longing, or desire it can be difficult to navigate this alone.

This is where I come in.

If you are looking for support for you or you and someone else, we will work together to navigate these difficulties to reach a place you desire.

relationship therapy Orange County California

Lets Create Your Happiness

inclusive relationship therapy orange county California

Relationships look different for everyone because it is yours and it is your experience. What you want, what they want, what the hopes and goals are for the relationship are yours and yours alone. 

This can be hard when family, friends, in-laws, and society have their own ideals that they may push to make you feel you need to “live up to”. I like to set the tone that we are learning what your standard is that is trying to be reached away from the pressure of others and ultimately become comfortable with that. 

Let’s connect and start talking about what you are hoping for.